Monday, July 23, 2012

community sleeping

When we arrived at our friends house, we walked in and saw 5 beds in a row. Each bed had a mosquito net and a curtain. They gave us a bed and the 4 of us slept together. This is the norm in the village. It was a fun experience and Preston kept reffering to our time there as camping. He would say, "Im so glad we get to go camping." Below the bamboo floor was a chicken coup. So, bright and early...actually all night we could hear the roosters and chickens. Needless to say don't go to the village if you are wanting good sleep. :)

 Isabella learned to sleep where ever we put her.
 The lady above loved holding Bella...she lost her husband 10 months ago in a motor bike wreck and you could see the sadness still in her eyes. I loved watching Bella bring her joy. I have prayed for this lady every day since we have left the village.
 After one of our big lunches, 2 of the grandmothers took one bed to nap in and in the distance you can see Bella napping in the other bed.
 When the trip was all over we were taken via motor bikes to the highway where we caught our sleeping bus. It was 10pm and our kids were exhausted. SO WERE WE!

1 comment:

  1. I knew an American family with the "family bed" philosophy. Now I'm wondering how that works as the kids get bigger and older.... I guess privacy is a luxury I've taken for granted! Thanks for sharing your adventure.
