Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hard Days, but life goes on

If you follow me on facebook, you know that the last month has been difficult to say the very least. I have cried so many tears that I have none left. We have had some good hours of prayer and days with out talking or hearing from God. We have had waves of emotions come and go and only a month has gone by. My intention is not to dwell in the valley, but to rise above it. So here is what has happened in our life lately.

We bought a motor bike so we have had to get used to riding on the right side of the road. In Thailand we always drove on the left, so it takes some getting used to. Don't worry Preston sits in the front of Tim, and helmets are always worn. One of these days we'll take some video of us driving through the city.

We promised once we moved to our current place we would get Preston a bike and so a week after we moved in we got one and he has had a lot of opportunities to ride it. He calls it his motorbike and always says he needs to fill up for gas.
We have tried to get to know our neighbors, but as usual Preston knows how to break down barriers better than anyone.

If I have one word to capture this month with it would be THANKFUL...Im thankful for the two guys in my life. Im blessed beyond measure as Tim has picked up ALL the slack in the house and in my current state believe me there has been a LOT of slack. He has been the head cleaner, caretaker and language learner. He has had his ups and down, but with out him our house surely would have fallen a part over this last month. What an amzaing man. Not just amazing man of God, but amazing husband and father. Im also so very thankful for my son. As the years, days, and months go on I realize how much of a miracle he is.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The reality of starting over

When we decided to move to this new country everyone kept telling us how difficult it would be. We were prepared for hard times. The odd thing about it is that there are some things about this country I like more then Thailand. There are other things I don't like as much, but that is all stuff you get used to. The hardest part of moving is starting over. I turn 30 in less than 2 months and the reality of starting over has hit hard. It is hard to learn another new language. It is hard to get energy to figure out where things are and how they work. My frustrations have not been because of the country we are living in, but the frustrations of starting over. In some ways I just feel too old to start over. I want to move to a familiar place and raise my kids there. Near people who know us and love us. I want to be in a place I know I can grow old at. Im tired of living this "adventure" and ready for some normal. A "normal" middle class American life NEVER sounded so good as it does right now. Is that bad?