Thursday, January 6, 2011

Looking back over our Advent season

The month of December went by quickly. After being in the states last year for Christmas I was anxious to get back to our traditions in Asia for the holidays. Since Preston was almost 3 we had a lot of fun each night lighting our Advent candles and telling a Bible story that eventually led up to the birth of Christ.
Above is the first week of our Advent branch with ornaments. We covered creation, the fall, Noah, Babel, God's promise to Abraham, Abraham and Issac, Jacob's dream. I will try to find a picture of the full branch for later. I had fun making all of the ornaments. It was a very meaningful time for us as a family.

On Christmas day we had many friends come over. I cooked my first turkey and it turned out lovely. We had a great time celebrating the birth of our savior and look forward to similar traditions during Lent.

1 comment:

  1. So neat to see the expression on Preston's face. He's absorbing it all and pondering in his little heart ;)
    Have a Blessed 2011, dear Edwards family!
