Monday, September 6, 2010

The reality of starting over

When we decided to move to this new country everyone kept telling us how difficult it would be. We were prepared for hard times. The odd thing about it is that there are some things about this country I like more then Thailand. There are other things I don't like as much, but that is all stuff you get used to. The hardest part of moving is starting over. I turn 30 in less than 2 months and the reality of starting over has hit hard. It is hard to learn another new language. It is hard to get energy to figure out where things are and how they work. My frustrations have not been because of the country we are living in, but the frustrations of starting over. In some ways I just feel too old to start over. I want to move to a familiar place and raise my kids there. Near people who know us and love us. I want to be in a place I know I can grow old at. Im tired of living this "adventure" and ready for some normal. A "normal" middle class American life NEVER sounded so good as it does right now. Is that bad?

1 comment:

  1. This post perfectly captures how I've felt about our new move as well. How nice would it be to have a cup of coffee and commiserate in person, Jamie! If it helps at all, there is at least one other person who understands just what you are saying!
