Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1 month and so strong already

On November 17th Isabella Grace turned 1 month old and Nana Janis made 12 onesies to mark each monthly occasion. LOVE THEM!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

'nong dang' my little red head

Ill let the pictures speak for themselves, but thai people love to call her 'nong dang' because of her red hair. She truly is PERFECT!!! 

                                                         A very proud BIG BROTHER

Amy's visit part 3

It was sort of an animal themed week while Amy was here. I didn't realize how many animal things there are to do here in Chiang Mai. Because Preston is so young, he could only go see the new born tigers

Friday, November 18, 2011

1 month old already

Isabella turned 1 month old yesterday. I can not believe how fast time has gone.

Our miracle baby!!!!

She is still a good sleeper and a good eater. This week I can tell she is starting to recognize more and is becoming more aware of her surroundings. She still has a full head of red hair. We still can't tell what her eye color will be.

We are looking forward to getting back to our life in VN. Im excited to introduce her to all of our friends there.

Only 1 month old and Isabella Grace has already brought so much joy to our lives.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Amy's visit part 2

No visit to Thailand is complete with out a trip to the elephant camp. The last time we went Preston was only 2 and was scared of the elephants. This time he is almost 4 and giddy with excitement. He loved feeding them bananas and sugar cane.

Tim, Amy, and Preston enjoyed the elephant ride while Isabella and I relaxed in the shade.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Amy's arrival to Thailand

Amy brought a full suitcase of gifts with her. One of Preston's favorites is the buzz light year costume she brought. He loves playing dress up with his friends. The costumes Amy brought along with the capes my mom sent make a great starting place. I especially like when Preston gets Tim to put on some of the costume as well. :) Sorry no pic yet, but soon I will get one!

On day 2 of Amy being here we had a picnic at a waterfall. Isabella just hung out, but Preston got to put his feet in the very COLD mountain water.

More pictures to come of Amy's visit. We had a GREAT time and miss her already!